In Mesa, AZ, sprinkler installation professionals suggest that because the average rainfall rarely tops one inch per month, grass should be watered two to three times a week. Bermuda grass performs best when it receives an inch of water a week. When temperatures are expected to reach over 100 degrees it is important to maintain the same watering schedule. Over watering can be just as bad for grass as a drought.
Different professionals have different opinions on the best time to water. Some say between sunrise and 10 am and others between 4 am and 6 am. They both claim the same principal reasons. Watering early in the day conserves water by preventing evaporation. By watering early, the sun hasn't had time to raise the ground temperature. Water can then leach down into the soil where the plants take it in at the roots. By maintaining a well-hydrated lawn there is less chance of hot and dry conditions killing off your lawn during the Arizona summer.
There is nothing that compares to an in-ground automatic sprinkler system installed by a Mesa, AZ sprinkler installation company. our systems offer the coverage that you need in the areas where you need it, and also when you need it. The systems are completely customizable and have
optional rain sensors to keep the lawn protected from over watering.
Sprinkler systems come with a built-in controller module. You, or your Mesa sprinkler repair tech, program the system to turn on and off at various times during the week. These systems often hook the controllers to rain sensors that will automatically bypass the scheduled watering cycle when the yard has received ample rain.
Rain sensors are small disks that absorb water and swell to cover the valve openings in a sprinkler system. When the disk dries off it shrinks back. When the disk swells it triggers a mechanism to prevent the controller from turning on the water flow. There are other rain sensors that work with floating components, and even barometric sensors, but the the important thing is the function they perform. Simply put, when it rains, your rain sensor will prevent your system from turning on. Of course, rain sensors are only necessary for automatic sprinkler systems.
We make sure our team stays on top of the industry's latest developments, from water usage laws to the latest developments in irrigation equipment. If you have questions about your system, you can be assured that it will be answered in plain English. Our techs will make sure you are comfortable with what is going on every step of the way. We also provide written estimates before any work is done so you won't be surprised by the bill. We understand that our customers are our lifeblood and respecting them is an essential way to show it.
No job is too big. No job is too small. We handle everything from light residential to heavy commercial properties. Whether you have a full-scale commercial sprinkler system install or a simple masonry piece, we're your Mesa connection.